Visiting Schools - Meeting the Future Green Cops of Hirwai

Its been a real long time since i have written anything here. But now is the right time to share my experiences with  all of you. This is Hirwai's fourth year and i am so glad too say that it has been a fulfilling period in terms of the work we have done and the energy we have felt with these school children. It is not only the school children but also the families of the children whom we have befriended along the way.    

These days the whole Hirwai team is busy visiting the various schools spread out across the city of Nagpur. Its been a real pleasure meeting the children, their teachers and inspecting their projects. Although it is a bit of a tedious task, but the very enthusiasm and the creativity of the kids compel us to proceed further every year.

It gave me immense pleasure to talk to all the tiny tots. I especially remember two kids from the pre-primary section who had grown sun-flower plants and they were so enthusiastic about it. The amazing fact was that they knew a lot about the plant, the flower, why is it called by its name and also the uses of the same. The girl looked just like the sunflower herself, so very fresh and endearing!!!

Nursery development was a new concept which we had introduced this year and it was a bit confusing for the students as well as the teachers, i think. There were some very good entries but not up to the level of our expectations. Maybe next year it will be a much fruitful effort.

Personally, i like the fourth category the most. The tree census activity in itself is a very interesting experience and when we i see the documentation done by the children, it leaves me amazed at the level of knowledge and the zeal to gather more information. I cannot but forget the enthusiasm, the knowledge and the creativity of a student who wanted to share so many things with us. She was so well prepared with her work that we didn't realise how time flew while talking to her. Given a chance she could have spoken to us all through the day!!!

Then there was this group of students from the not-so elite school who had done the most wonderful tree census i have ever come across during these past four years. The very perfection of the project left us spell bound, given that they had very limited resources. But the precision and the level of accuracy of the kids left me absolutely spell bound.

So this is the latest update from me for the time being. Will get back to you as soon as we finish the school visits so that there is more information to share with you all.   

Green Finger

It is always a pleasure to work with school children. Imagine a four year old kid drawing and telling you about the germination process. It is such a memorable experience.

The best part of about the Hirwai Green Finger Activity is that i get to interact with the Montessori kids on a one to one basis. They are so transparent and honest. Most of all i like their enthusiasm and the emotions displayed on their sweet faces while they talk about photosynthesis and chlorophyll and tell us about the growth of their plant from the seedling stage to the grown up one. There is so much of pride in their voice.

But here i would also like to share some thoughts about the indifference being shown by the parents at times. Some of the parents think that their kids should not put their hands in the mud, lest they get dirty and cause infection. Hence they are a bit wary in allowing their children to take part in such a competition.

But when we speak to the kids, we always ask them whether they enjoyed this activity or not? The answer always is a BIG YES. And when we lovingly ask them as to what they enjoyed the most, most times the children say that they really had a great time playing with mud and putting it in the pot. The joy that they feel while doing this activity is clearly visible on their cherubic faces.At such times we feel that all the efforts that we are taking to save the environment and create awareness about it is really worth it.

I would also like to request the parents that please do not alienate the children from the Mother Earth. Let them enjoy the feel and sound of Nature. Let them fall in love with Trees. A small step in this direction will go a long way to develop a strong bond between the kids and HIRWAI i.e. the Green Mother Earth

Teacher's Meeting for Hirwai Green Finger Activity

Hi There!!!

So finally Hirwai Green Finger Activity is underway. We have had our first teacher's meeting on the 17th July. Teachers from nearly 14 schools of Nagpur attended the meeting.

The main aim of the meeting was to have an interaction with the teachers about the whole activity and the process involved. It was also an opportunity for each one to clarify any doubts whatsoever that they may have.

The important dates of the competition were also discussed. Some of the teachers had some queries regarding the various categories while others had minor issues about the dates.

After the session, it was decided that we would reschedule the programme and inform the schools accordingly.

The best part of this meeting was that quite a few teachers from Corporation Schools had also come there. It was very heartening to see their enthusiasm and the will to compete given that they have far less resources than the more elite schools.

SO for the next 2 months it is going to be an absolute frenzy with the schools having their own activities and we with helping them out at times.

I am really waiting eagerly for October1 to let the activity underway!!

Hip Hip Hirwai!!!