Hirwai - Dedicated to Green Mother Earth

Hirwai literally means the Green Mother Earth. This is a forum which is started by a few like minded people who feel strongly about trees in particular and environment in general. Hirwai was born three years back in Nagpur and the only agenda of the group was to plant as many trees as possible in and around Nagpur, Maharashtra.

This group comprises of people who belong to different academic fields but have come together on a common platform just for the Green Cause. Some of us are from the IT field, while others are involved in women empowerment programmes. We also have a team of technical experts who help us out in the selection of trees and also the tree plantation process itself.

The fine thread which binds all of us together is the LOVE FOR TREES. And through our efforts we envisage a better, safer and a greener future for the coming generation. To take this cause forward, Hirwai organizes a Green Finger and Green School Award competition every year.

The main aim of this competition is to bring the school children closer to the nature. It is commonly found these days that parents do not allow their children to play in the mud or to take it in their hands. This leaves them bereft from the joy of going closer to the nature. Our motive is to allow the children to experience the joy of getting their hands dirty in the mud, sowing a seed and experience the love and pride when the seeds burst forth into a sapling and a plant.

Hence the Green Finger Award for the school children and Green School Award for the school which inculcates such habits in their children which help in conserving and protecting the Nature.

Apart from this, Hirwai also takes up tree plantation as and when it is approached for the same. Till date we have worked with schools, women's Self-Help Groups and institutions for tree plantation. Tree plantation is carried out in and around Nagpur.

During the rainy season we also strive to arrange for nature trails. This is done with the sole objective of bringing the people closer to the Nature. In these nature trails we throw seeds randomly, so that they can survive on their own after the rains. Given the heat and temperature in this region, we have to pray really hard for the Rain God's blessings.

So in short, Hirwai is really ALL ABOUT TREES!! We absolutely believe that each one should plant at least one tree and nurture it. Our country has such a huge population that even if each one of us plants and nurtures only one tree each rainy season, then too in the next few years our country will become one of the greenest places on this earth. What we need is a bit of sensitivity, compassion and a lot of focus to save the environment.

So lets make it our one point agenda that we would plant as many trees as we can and make HIRWAI literally that.