Hirwai Green Finger & Green School Award

Hi Again!!

The main focus of the Hirwai Green Finger and Green School Award is the student of each and every school that is been with us for the past three years. We have been organizing this competition for students of all ages, right from the Montessori to the Higher Secondary. This was done so that we could reach out to the maximum number of students and their families and could get them involved in the Green Cause. All the students have been divided into various categories depending upon their classes and have been assigned different tasks.

The Categories and Activities are as follows:

Category I: Montessori Children (3-5 years).

Activity: Plant a seed at school/residence in a pot. Observe its growth, draw and colour the various stages of development of the plant.

Prizes: First, second and third prize

Category II: Primary School Children (I-IV std)

Activity Sow vegetable seeds in your school / residential premises. Develop a plot of minimum 2ft X2ft land. Document the whole process of planting and growing along with the various farming instruments used in various stages. (The vegetables should be fully grown at the time of evaluation which will be around 2nd week of October, 2010)

Residential entries should be in a small tray which can be brought to inspection site. Total area under plantation should be min. 4 sq.ft

Prize: First, Second and Third prize.

Category III: Middle School Children (V-VII std )

Activity: Nursery development

Children develop nursery of sapling. Each child can develp a nursery of min. 50 saplings. Either of same variety or different varieties. He/she should be able to tell how and why they have choosen a particular method. [Soft bed/poly bags/ recycled bags, boxes] What soil mix they have used and why? Why they have chosen that particular tree, variety of seeds, saplings. Document the process and information of the tree/ saplings that they have chosen.

Prizes: First, Second and Third prize.

Category IV: High School Children (VIII-X std)

Activity: Carry out tree census preferably in your residential locality/ locality near the school. The area covered for census should be a minimum of 500 meters in periphery and should have a minimum of 50 trees. All trees in the chosen area should be covered by census. Details expected are mapping of the trees in the area, identification of species, girth of tree, flowering, fruiting cycle of trees and their usages. The entries should also include the age of the tree calculated (approximately) using the above measured parameters.

Explain importance of tree census.

Prizes: First, second and Third prize

Note: Mapping is logical, approximate map of the selected area specifying location

of the trees.

Special Category: Any innovative project any child has carried out to conserve

greenery, develop greenery particular related to big trees.